Forever (Spring 2023)

Talk about Libera CD/DVD

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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Yorkie »

Evolution or revolution?

So, thanks to a hefty layout and a bewilderingly fast delivery by Fed Ex I have had the opportunity to spend some time with the much awaited album. I will say that for people who were a little questioning of the post-production added to ‘Love Shine A Light’ then you may have to come to terms with a new sound under Sam and his team. I must admit that at first I was hesitant. Not about the quality of singing which is exemplary from everybody and have we ever had so many soloists on an album (somebody add them up for me, I’m thinking 10)? But after multiple plays through I’m settling into it and it is growing on me. Personally, I prefer a more natural ‘choir-like’ sound but I guess that has never been Libera’s sound really has it and it never put me off them and this new style won’t. I hope you'll adjust to it too.

Eternal Bond – This has the unmistakable Muramatsu composition ‘sound’. It is immediately familiar even though we have never heard it before. Lovely opening from Morgan and Joe. I like the part when they duet the song particularly and this is a strong opener.

Beati Quorum – Heard this a few times live since its debut last summer and a studio production has really made it is shine brighter (it was my favourite between this and Lighthouse when I first heard it because I think the chorus lends itself to Libera’s style more than Lighthouse but more people sided with Lighthouse as their favourite at the first hearing). Nathan and Luke sound very good and I like it when the ‘bigs’ voices kick in.

God Only Knows – Clearly you have all heard this one so there isn’t much I can add. Sung by three voices they really hit that Beach Boys harmony and they will be missed (hopefully Luca has a few more Treble concerts left in him and if Dan and Victor are destined for the back row in the near future then what a back row that will be :D )

Far Away – Who has had a go at this one? One of my Faves in MH; TC; BP & RS; RS & KC; IL. Well, Luca is as polished as any of them. In fact, his voice is very polished and measured on every single one of his tracks on the album (and don’t forget to get a copy of his solo album which I know you will enjoy). There is a second voice that comes in towards the end for a duet – is that an uncredited soloist or is Luca singing that part as well?

Ave Verum. This was mind blowing live when we heard it at St John’s last Christmas. If you have yet to hear it Freddie M is going to blow you away. His voice on this track has been given free rein and so it has more of a Soprano feel to it (think Aksel Rykkvin’s more operatic style from his solo album) than the more traditional Treble style of English boy choirs. Worth the price of the album alone. What a voice. What a performance. Wow.

Lighthouse – Like Betai Quorum I think the studio version has unlocked this track a bit more. It isn’t at all the normal Libera sound. If you are familiar with Josh’s work then it will be instantly recognisable. This track could have been written for Luca who is able to translate the song beautifully, showing great expressive singing throughout and that isn’t easy because it does change direction a few times. Luca has been at the front of Libera for a few years now and has given us a lot of songs. I honestly think this is perhaps his best work for Libera because he is able to put such depth and emotion to it. But of course it is a group song and all the vocalists are fantastic and gel so well together, so a shout out to Morgan, Dan and Victor for their great work too.

O Beata– Oh boy, it’s beautiful. Classic Libera (no surprise as it is from the great man himself). Another banger of a vocal from Mitchel and I love Victor’s supporting role on this one. This is certainly a more traditional style of song for them, but watch out for that slight twist at the end. Love it.

Anima Christe – back to back bangers. Joe Hill is really blossoming and with Freddie M and Luca the vocals are on point here, crystal clear and resonant.

Come My Way – I know it, you know it, the world knows it – DW has been a fantastic servant to the choir and given us some great songs. Another RP composition that just exudes Libera. I love the little staccato counter-points that pop up around the 58 second part.

At Sea – Hmmmh, well well well. A few people were interested in hearing this one from the snippet we were given. Does it live up to the expectation? Let me think about it….just teasing, I love it. Very different from Josh’s Lighthouse, not at all similar in style. The mood it creates puts me in mind of Three Ravens. Not that they sound alike, but it has that air of mystery and slightly olde worlde vibe. Freddie M knocks it out of the park with his vocal line that weaves its way through the song, gets built upon by the choir which lifts it up and then they let it fall back to Freddie’s line. It definitely gives me the feeling of waves breaking on the shore. One of the absolute stand out tracks for me but I suspect others may not be as enamoured because it is different and pushing new boundaries (or shores :lol: )

Sing Forever – I know Big Ben did it solo but I prefer it as a duet and Joe and Nathan really get to work on this one. What’s not to love. A little less muscular than the Jamie and Sam original I think the youth and vibrancy of Joe and Nathan works really well here.

Be Still My Soul – A classic song which has always suited Libera in my opinion; they are able to make it shine more than any other group I have heard sing it. I think the first time I heard it live was in Northern Ireland over 10 years ago. It wowed me then and I still find it moving and a bit teary to this day. Great singing from Joe, Morgan and Fred H. like previous versions it starts with just voices and then later on very soft supporting instruments come in.

A Grateful Heart – Luca carries the song with just a very little harmonising from Dan, most notable towards the end. From memory it is very similar in sound and arrangement to previous versions which I would have to listen to again to compare but suffice to say nothing new here.

Love Shine A Light – I know what you’re thinking, Yorkie won’t like this one. Too pop like. Too lightweight. A bit sweet and over produced. You’re wrong, it makes me smile. Firstly, I just love Mitchel’s voice and for those that say it isn’t enough to save a poor quality Euro trash song I think you are wrong. He’s fab on this. Secondly, I think that the lyrics do go well with the Libera ethos. It has a bit of similarity to Sing for our world in my eyes. In fact you’re all so wrong I’m playing it for the second time as I write this. In all seriousness, I do see why some people think it is lightweight but actually in the context of the album I think there is room for a fun piece like this. Do I won’t a whole album of ‘Libera goes pop’? No, absolutely not but is there room for a little bit of a fun track out of the 14/13 tracks? Of course there is.

So evolution or revolution? You tell me.
If I’ve got owt to say I says it, and if I’ve got owt to ask I asks it.

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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by bachmahlerfan »

My album just arrived here in Minnesota, USA.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by GlennJalmas »

A few photos of the Libera boys relating towards the released of the new album were posted by Encore on their Twitter page.


Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by bachmahlerfan »

So, I heard the "Ave Verum Corpus" track. I thought it was quite good and I will certainly keep listening to it. I wouldn't say I was quite blown away, or that I found it to be life-changing. The reason I say this is that I feel this arrangement truncates the original work in such a way that it's somewhat less impactful. I'm curious about the opinions of those who heard Freddie sing this solo live. Was it even better than the recorded version or about the same?

Am I the only one who was a bit startled near the end of "O Beata Trinitas", thinking it was going to end tragically only to resolve happily?

I found myself disliking "The Lighthouse" less than before by accepting certain musical elements that bugged me at first. I never doubted the originality of the music, I've just struggled to warm up to it. However, between this song and "At Sea" I'm optimistic about Joshua's future as a composer, and I hope he can continue developing his talent in a positive direction. Speaking of "At Sea", Freddie's voice manages to be serene, mysterious, and hypnotic all at the same time. I feel that the music crosses into the mystical, supernatural realm in the second half, starting at about the 1:48 mark. It would be interesting to see the sheet music of these two pieces in the more complex parts.

I thought Luca sounded great on the "Far Away" solo. I find Michael Horncastle's rendition nearly impossible to beat, but I think Luca's rendition came very close to equaling him (more so than the other ones I've heard).

I think "Beati Quorum" is just plain fun to listen to. Perhaps it gets a little messy in spots, but I feel that it maintains its momentum quite well. I like the added layer of la la's near the end of the piece.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by GlennJalmas »

God only knows music video premieres tomorrow in YouTube🙂.

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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Surpinto »

A quick review of the Japanese version of the album which includes the exclusive first track that isn't on the international release.

Eternal Bond – while I originally thought this song was nothing but an amalgamation of the other Muramatsu songs, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that in fact there was in fact some originality to this piece in terms of the melody. Obviously, it's a Muramatsu song and his distinctive melodic structure cannot be denied, including the use of previously used cords and themes from songs like “Far Away”, “Angel”, or “Home”. Like many of his songs, I find it pleasant enough and well suited to Libera's style; and though it won't be one of my personal favorites hearing it in concert would be completely welcome.

Beati – It starts out as a calm song but then the energy picks up with the drum and more forceful singing which elevates with the descants and acquires an ongoing theme. Then about 2/3rds of the way through the song the lower voices enter front and center, and the song adds another little nuance. The crescendo at the end makes the song sort of punchy and fun! I like it.

God Only Knows – A perfect Libera adaptation of a Beach Boys song with excellent solos. I really like how they arranged this song and I have nothing much to say except to compliment the soloists on a piece well-done. A solid Libera arrangement if ever there was one!

Far Away – This is sort of a Libera classic at this point having debuted over 16 years ago now! Seeing as I was already a fan of the choir when the song came out I have heard it so many times now that it had grown sort of stale on me. Having the opportunity to listen to a fresh studio release – although it is one which does not have any new elements or any arrangement differences – allowed me to enjoy the song afresh for the first time in many years.

Ave Verum – Wow, wow, wow! A more operatic piece with a huge demanding solo for Freddie. I hope that pieces in this style, much like “Cum Dederit” on If, continues to be a part of Libera’s repertoire. The song has a sort “Mysterium” feel to it which I feel is an extra bonus. At the minimum, and for those who don’t care for it, this song is nevertheless a cool showpiece.

Lighthouse – Luca’s voice is perfect for this at the beginning. Even though the melody isn’t one that would be categorized as stemming from traditional religious music (as some of Libera’s music), the lyrics are undoubtedly religious/spiritual in nature. As they talk about a “sweet deliv’rer” and “the one who’s always there” we come to realize that the lighthouse in the song comes to signify the light of God. This was an interesting move on the part of the lyrics which seemed to start the song off in a more secular direction but then make the song's intention quite clear and are effective in that poetic structure. And just when I thought I had the song figured out the melody shifts into a different key, then shifts again with more voices, and then abruptly ends. I do not believe that any Libera song has ever had this kind of musical structure and it's the sort of song that needs to be listened to multiple times to really get a feeling for it both lyrically and melodically. Bravo!

O Beata – As already mentioned this is in keeping with Libera’s style of song with Latin verse and a more new age feel. While the song doesn’t really break new ground for them musically, it is perfectly enjoyable. As mentioned already the ending is very powerful and in my view this song would be excellent in a live concert.

Anima Christi – Similar to “O Beata” this song is emblematic of the new age and classical mix which has always drawn many to Libera. So while this song also doesn’t break new musical ground for the group, it’s one I can see myself returning to over and over again. It’s more dynamic than “O Beata” and the solos by Joseph elevate the song further. An excellent piece!

Come My Way – An adaptation of a hymn I believe, the song is a wonderful demonstration of the Libera style we all know and love. Daniel nails the solos.

At Sea – Getting some first album vibes here with that more synth and mysterious sound that made the first album more new age than anything they have done before or after. In fact this style is so emblematic of that Libera, and to a lesser extent, Luminosa sound, that I'm wondering how much inspiration for this song was drawn from those two albums. A really cool song!

Sing Forever – A redo of a classic from before even the Angel Voices albums. Top marks to the soloists.

Be Still My Soul – Another redo of a classic which predates the Angel Voices albums, and one which captivated me from the first time I heard it on Free. The soaring descants and the beautiful melody can’t be beat, though I notice a few notes and phrases sounding different (darker?) than in past recordings (2:37 – 3:00). Maybe I’m just used to the older versions, but I don’t care for this at all.

A Grateful Heart – The first time this song has been recorded and released for an album. Very nicely done!

Love Shine a Light – Obviously I like this song, though as we know this song is not without its detractors. I like when Libera takes a pop song that I would normally have no interest in and elevates it with its special sparkle. Like Yorkie I put this song in the “Sing for Our World” category, and that’s a compliment. At the very least it’s the biggest ear worm on the album :lol:

In summary, this is a wonderful album with a little something for everyone. I have so many songs that I like on it that I may have to return later to post which ones became top favorites because I just can't decide right now.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by TullyBascombe »

That was an amazing review, Surpinto. Thank you for that. I'm still waiting for mine, but my anticipation is much increased.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Surpinto »

Yorkie wrote: <span title="Wed May 17, 2023 8:30 pm">1 year ago</span> So evolution or revolution? You tell me.
They tread far too much familiar ground, even with LSAL, for this album to be considered a revolution in my eyes.
Yorkie wrote: <span title="Wed May 17, 2023 8:30 pm">1 year ago</span> In fact you’re all so wrong I’m playing it for the second time as I write this
:lol: :lol: :lol: Great review by the way! I enjoy it and it helped inform my own thoughts.
TullyBascombe wrote: <span title="Sat May 20, 2023 3:30 am">1 year ago</span> That was an amazing review, Surpinto. Thank you for that. I'm still waiting for mine, but my anticipation is much increased.
Thanks! Hope to read yours soon. :D

Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by bachmahlerfan »

I feel that "O Beata Trinitas" is one of those tracks that can be classified as one of the great Prizeman 'epics'. These songs feature a wide range of emotions and have a good amount of drama. They seem to be telling a story with a clear plot through the music, instead of just being a 'mood' piece. They also tend to have a sense of victory or reaching the 'promised land' by the end of the piece.

Regarding Luca's solos, I actually prefer his "Grateful Heart" and "Far Away" solos over his "Lighthouse" solo. His "Lighthouse" solo is impressive, but it doesn't move me like the other two solos. I think this is mainly due to the style of music and the peculiarities of the solo melody line in "Lighthouse".

"Anima Christi" is fine as a meditative piece during a liturgy, but for a Libera album I find it a bit boring.

Joseph Hill will be amazing in the near future. He just has to perfect his vocal technique some more. Further maturing of his voice will obviously help as well.

The pairing of Joseph Hill and Morgan W. worked great on "Kizuna". Morgan has one of those treble voices that probably wouldn't get a big solo opportunity in a choir that only does traditional Classical music (thinking of the English chorister institutions). So, Libera is a good place for him to be able to show off his uniquely delicate voice.

If Sam Coates is reading this forum, I hope to hear an original composition from you on the next album. You've got to have at least one decent song in that brain somewhere.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Padmachou »

Did someone ever purchased anything from this website :

This is the one I pre-ordered my Libera album on, and I am starting to be a bit concerned. :cry: I have had no news since the album has been released, and no answer to my emails asking for help. Also, I just found out that several people from outside Asia complain that they ordered albums and NEVER got them nor got a refund... And never got answers either.
All in all I would say : bad experience, so far.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by fan_de_LoK »

Never heard about that site :?

What kind of shipment have you selected ?
Was it an express one as Fedex, DHL, or EMS ?

According to some feedback, here or here, the seller is not a scammer, most of the reviews are positive, even though some reports are bad.
There is still hope that your order will be delivered.

Perhaps the guy uses as supplier and finds himself concerned by the CD current unavailability there ?
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Padmachou »

It was linked in one of Surpinto's posts I believe. I was also worried because I never got to pick a shipment either !

Well I ordered an album from an other seller who claimed to have 2 in stock, and picked Fedex. Worst case scenario, I get two albums, which is better than none :lol: And I should find a way to make use of it.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Surpinto »

Here is the definitive song information from the Japanese CD booklet.
Booklet.jpg (1.35 MiB) Viewed 4763 times
Booklet.jpg (1.35 MiB) Viewed 4763 times
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by Lux Aeterna »

As expected, there is an introduction video to the new album.
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Re: Forever (Spring 2023)

Post by TullyBascombe »

Surpinto wrote: <span title="Sun May 21, 2023 1:35 am">1 year ago</span>
Yorkie wrote: <span title="Wed May 17, 2023 8:30 pm">1 year ago</span> So evolution or revolution? You tell me.
They tread far too much familiar ground, even with LSAL, for this album to be considered a revolution in my eyes.
Yorkie wrote: <span title="Wed May 17, 2023 8:30 pm">1 year ago</span> In fact you’re all so wrong I’m playing it for the second time as I write this
:lol: :lol: :lol: Great review by the way! I enjoy it and it helped inform my own thoughts.
TullyBascombe wrote: <span title="Sat May 20, 2023 3:30 am">1 year ago</span> That was an amazing review, Surpinto. Thank you for that. I'm still waiting for mine, but my anticipation is much increased.
Thanks! Hope to read yours soon. :D
Yoikes! I didn't see Yorkie's review at the top of the page, a great review also, in its own right.
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