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Liam Connery - Video

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:43 pm
by Sue
last night I couldn't sleep, so i made my computer on & made this one:

At youtube you can watch it in better quality, watch it in HD!


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:33 pm
by Steffi_89
Hey Sue,

thank you very much for this wonderful video. Liam is my favorite boy in Libera. What a shame, he didn't get more solos.

Greetings from Switzerland!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:38 pm
by Sue
Steffi_89 wrote:Hey Sue,

thank you very much for this wonderful video. Liam is my favorite boy in Libera. What a shame, he didn't get more solos.

Greetings from Switzerland!!
Hey Steffi, na dann können wir ja eigentlich Deutsch schreiben :lol:
Hast du Libera schonmal live gesehen? Gab es jemals ein Libera-Konzert in der Schweiz? Weil, hier in Deutschland waren sie noch nie :(

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:11 pm
by phlibera
Love it. Thank you for making it and sharing it. :-) All the best to Liam!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:42 pm
by JimmyRiddle
For a while there he was hitting some of the highest notes I've heard from a Libera boy, and with a certain kind of distinct and powerful clarity. If there is ever a third boy named 'Liam' who sings for Libera in the future, he'll have a lot to live up to. (joke, I'm sure he'll be just as great!) Nice video.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:24 pm
by Sue
JimmyRiddle wrote:For a while there he was hitting some of the highest notes I've heard from a Libera boy, and with a certain kind of distinct and powerful clarity. If there is ever a third boy named 'Liam' who sings for Libera in the future, he'll have a lot to live up to. (joke, I'm sure he'll be just as great!) Nice video.
:lol: :lol: yeah, really you're right
Liams dad and Rob said that Liam wants to know the deeper meaning behind the lyrics of the Libera-Songs. They said, that they have to explain it to Liam. Can this be a cause for the fact that Liam hasn't more solos in Libera? Can it be that the other boys aren't try to get behind the deeper meanings of the songs in the way like Liam does (and so Rob or other adults don't have to explain much to them) that the adults find its to stressful to exercise solos with Liam? I mean in the time before his voice was changing.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:13 am
by plumpuff6
Sue wrote: Liams dad and Rob said that Liam wants to know the deeper meaning behind the lyrics of the Libera-Songs. They said, that they have to explain it to Liam. Can this be a cause for the fact that Liam hasn't more solos in Libera? Can it be that the other boys aren't try to get behind the deeper meanings of the songs in the way like Liam does (and so Rob or other adults don't have to explain much to them) that the adults find its to stressful to exercise solos with Liam? I mean in the time before his voice was changing.
I am not sure, but I don't think so. It seems like being a soloist has some to do with your voice range and timbre, as well as your overall choral singing experience, but timing is also important. By timing, I mean when a boy is ready to solo and how many solos are available and so on--if there aren't any solos available that suit his particular voice, I believe a boy probably won't sing one.

RP seems to have knack for picking the perfect soloist for each song. Liam did get to sing their "theme song" of "Libera" for several years, and I thought he did really well on the high notes on "Stay With Me". And "Sancte" is his signature song, in my opinion! I wish I could've heard more solos from him, but am glad he's still with the group, likely contributing to the low notes in the back row. That shows dedication.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:03 am
by Molly Weasley
Thank you! Liam is my favorite member of Libera, and I really enjoyed that video.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:37 am
by TEB
Sue wrote: :lol: :lol: yeah, really you're right
Liams dad and Rob said that Liam wants to know the deeper meaning behind the lyrics of the Libera-Songs. They said, that they have to explain it to Liam. Can this be a cause for the fact that Liam hasn't more solos in Libera? Can it be that the other boys aren't try to get behind the deeper meanings of the songs in the way like Liam does (and so Rob or other adults don't have to explain much to them) that the adults find its to stressful to exercise solos with Liam? I mean in the time before his voice was changing.
I think that Liam is beginning to explore being a Christian, which would explain the need to know the meaning of the Christian oriented songs that RP tends to write. To me, as a Christian, I think his interest is quite cool.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:39 am
by irishoreo
very very nice sue! thanks alot! großartige Arbeit....hope that was right!

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:33 pm
by phlibera
One can also look at it this way: for years when he was singing the solo for "Libera" (the song), no other member could touch it. Just 6 months ago, he was still the soloist for that song in the Philippine tour. :-) So if we start counting from 2006, that's 3 years of owning that solo. I don't want to say owning that song, because clearly the whole group owns all their songs. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:18 pm
by Steffi_89
Hallo Sue,

das ist eine gute Idee auf Deutsch zu schreiben :-) Leider hatte ich bisher noch keine Chance Libera live zu sehen. Das Problem ist, dass sie noch nie in der Nähe ein Konzert gesungen haben (das nächste war Leiden in Holland) was ich persönlich sehr schade finde. Ich denke der Grund dafür ist, dass sie denken, dass sie in Europa (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz etc.) nicht so eine grosse Fangemeinde haben und somit ein Konzert sich nicht lohnen würde. Somit heisst das Zauberwort: Warten, warten und nochmals warten.
Ich muss sagen, dass alleine der Gedanke an ein Konzert bei mir schon Hühnerhaut spriessen lässt :-) Diese Atmosphäre, der Gesang etc. Liebendgern hätte ich vorallem Liam singen gehört. Nun ist es zu spät
:-( Mein jetztigen "Lieblingssänger" sind Jakob und Stefan und hoffendlich kann ich sie live singen hören.
Bist du schon lange Libera fan? und wie bist du auf sie gestossen? Mich würde auch interessieren wer dein Lieblingssänger ist und welches Lied du am liebsten hörst (tut mir leid, dass ich so viele Fragen stelle aber bis jetzt konnte ich mich noch nie mit jemanden in Deutsch über Libera unterhalten :-))
Liebe Grüsse Steffi

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:05 pm
by viabuona
Steffi_89 wrote:...tut mir leid, dass ich so viele Fragen stelle aber bis jetzt konnte ich mich noch nie mit jemanden in Deutsch über Libera unterhalten :-))
Liebe Grüsse Steffi
Hallo Steffi_89, na dann sei mal recht herzlich in der Fan-Gemeinde willkommen! :P

Die Schweizer-Fans sind ja doch sehr rar gesät. :cry:

Du wirst in diesem Forum sehr viel über Libera erfahren und wenn du französisch kannst, schau dich auch mal auf um. Klein und gemütlich :P

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:09 am
by Narnian
Umm... 8) I think we have to find "Deutschsprachige" moderator LOL :)
P.S. It would be great for others to read and understand your posts... :roll:

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:32 am
by viabuona
Narnian wrote:Umm... 8) I think we have to find "Deutschsprachige" moderator LOL :)
P.S. It would be great for others to read and understand your posts... :roll:
You'r right Narnian and usually I use the Forum-Language, this was an expection to welcome another Swiss-Member.
