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East Asia Tour - April 2010

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:21 pm
by dearmadine

Korea concert song list is up! :)
They're gonna perform 20 songs, 6 of them from the new album.
I think that's a good balance of new songs and more familiar songs.
FYI, the image is from here.

Regarding Japan concert, Libera has posted a new promo video.
You can watch from the Japanese ticketing website or my Libera Media Library.
You don't wanna miss out this video. They are too cute ;D

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:35 pm
by Nikki178
I wonder which ones they'll be performing in the Philippines? Isn't it suppose to be a mini-concert? :)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:35 pm
by danieb88
What an amazing song list, there are a couple of real surprises on there for example, where has agnes dei come from?! i didnt think that had been performed since Liam o Kane days! Ave Verum as well! (unless that may be a misprint of ave virgo?) Very exciting for those who are going - I think it will be brilliant to hear the new songs live for the first time! It seems as though they are expecting Josh's voice to hold out as he has a few key solos!
Also, very pleased to see Mysterium is still included - we can only hope that it will be on this DVD there have been rumors about!
I wander why they've taken out You Were There? I would have thought it would be a pretty key one to the japanese audience!

Now I just hope they release a UK concert with the same track list :)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:52 pm
by danieb88
Also, cool video, I cant believe two things:
1) how low Liams voice is and
2) How long Josh's hair is!!
Its nice to here Ralph talking for a change and does anyone else think mini-bens voice is getting lower?
Thanks dearmadine for all the info!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:57 pm
by dani
They had better keep this concert set up for here as Ave Verum is back and i want to see it live. Arghhh so annoyed i cant do this concert. Damn Libera and there politics.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:00 pm
by plumpuff6
OK so the concert list looks AMAZING! They've included some great new songs. I was delighted to see "Exultate" and "How Shall I Sing that Majesty?" on the list, as well as "The Fountain".

Do you think that Josh's treble voice will hold out for the solos that have, historically, been his, such as "Love and Mercy", "How Can I Keep From Singing" and then new ones as well, like "Time"? His voice sounded much deeper on the video than it did on the Christmas greetings video from a few months ago.

And yeah, Ben's voice sounds so totally different now! His mannerisms and intonations are the same but the timbre of his voice is definitely deepening; he sounds more mature now. And LIAM. His voice is incredibly deep now.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:06 pm
by dani
plumpuff6 wrote:OK so the concert list looks AMAZING! They've included some great new songs. I was delighted to see "Exultate" and "How Shall I Sing that Majesty?" on the list, as well as "The Fountain".

Do you think that Josh's treble voice will hold out for the solos that have, historically, been his, such as "Love and Mercy", "How Can I Keep From Singing" and then new ones as well, like "Time"? His voice sounded much deeper on the video than it did on the Christmas greetings video from a few months ago.

And yeah, Ben's voice sounds so totally different now! His mannerisms and intonations are the same but the timbre of his voice is definitely deepening; he sounds more mature now. And LIAM. His voice is incredibly deep now.
Yep Ben's voice is muturing that was first thing i noticed as we know Liam and Josh's voices have changed.

They keep mentioning new boys so are they bringing in new boys or the neww boys of the last 14 months or so who aint new.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:53 pm
by lacrymosa2
With the way how Ben was describing the concert, I would not mind having him being a chef or a food critique in the future.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:56 pm
by plumpuff6
I am surprised to see that "You Were There" is not included on the set list.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:10 pm
by plumpuff6
Hmm...anyone care to guess who the soloists will be? I'm assuming that the soloists will remain the same for the songs from the album Peace (Josh, Ben, Ralph, Stefan, James T., Sammy), but what about the others?

Here's my guesses; I'm just going by which songs have usually had soloists before and on some songs, just guessed the same soloists from the summer tour; the ones that I'm totally guessing on, and not going with previous reports of concerts, are in italics:

Libera: Stefan
Far Away: Ben and Kavana
Salva Me: Stefan
Agnus Dei: Daniel or Jakob
Mysterium: Stefan or...Ed?
How Can I Keep From Singing: Josh
When a Knight: Stefan
Love and Mercy: Josh
Secret: Ben
Stay with Me: Daniel and Matthew

If Josh can't sing his treble solos any more, I am guessing that maybe Jakob will take them over since he and Josh have similar voices. But it looks like Josh's voice may hold out for one more tour since Libera has included 2 solos that have historically been his, and 2 more, "Time" where he has a main solo, and "Deep Peace" where he sings back up with Sammy and James T.; "Secret" went to Ben over the summer, and I think he will still have all his solos in this tour.

Hm...if my guesses are right, then it looks like Stefan will be shouldering the main load of solo work. It seems like he'll have about 6. Of course I could be totally wrong.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:15 pm
by dani
plumpuff6 wrote:I am surprised to see that "You Were There" is not included on the set list.
Some stuff was bound to be left out. Nature of the beast.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:17 pm
by Yorkie
plumpuff6 wrote: Here's my guesses; I'm just going by which songs have usually had soloists before and on some songs, just guessed the same soloists from the summer tour; the ones that I'm totally guessing on, and not going with previous reports of concerts, are in italics:

Mysterium: Stefan or...Ed?.
I think Ed won't be doing Mysterium on this tour..........but hey, I've always been a glass half empty kinda guy :D

I think Ben was rather overdoing it but - different costumes???????

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:39 pm
by dani
Yorkie wrote:
plumpuff6 wrote: Here's my guesses; I'm just going by which songs have usually had soloists before and on some songs, just guessed the same soloists from the summer tour; the ones that I'm totally guessing on, and not going with previous reports of concerts, are in italics:

Mysterium: Stefan or...Ed?.
I think Ed won't be doing Mysterium on this tour..........but hey, I've always been a glass half empty kinda guy :D

I think Ben was rather overdoing it but - different costumes???????
Yep i picked up on that but thought Ben was just saying that. Unless they come out in hoodies and stuff for a few songs.

Or maybe they took the bbc review to heart and have got rid of the robes lol :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:47 pm
by plumpuff6
dani wrote: Or maybe they took the bbc review to heart and have got rid of the robes lol :lol:
I cannot imagine that Libera would get rid of the robes...ha ha. I mean, they're such an integral part of Libera's image. Well maybe they will wear something different for some parts...or maybe not...I guess we'll find out soon enough!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:53 pm
by dani
plumpuff6 wrote:
dani wrote: Or maybe they took the bbc review to heart and have got rid of the robes lol :lol:
I cannot imagine that Libera would get rid of the robes...ha ha. I mean, they're such an integral part of Libera's image. Well maybe they will wear something different for some parts...or maybe not...I guess we'll find out soon enough!
It was a joke but i am sure you knew that.

I can only see them changing into there hoodies tho , i dont know what else they could wear. The mind boggles.

Shame they have taken out Sakura.