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Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:03 pm
by fan_de_LoK
Well, based on this Instagram from Eimear that includes '#libera', it seems that the choir did tonight a new private performance on board a Viking Cruise ship :)

I did a few searches, here what I have gathered :
Of course, based on the photos and the hashtags I directly started to search about the Viking Cruise company, as we all remember the previous performance on the ship Viking "Sea" 2 years ago (read here if needed).
Also, because last Summer we saw that the company announced to support and sponsor the Libera choir (read here).

Then, the context of the mentioned gig looks clear: the ship Viking "Sun" moored this morning in Greenwich, ending a very long cruise of 141 days that started at mid-December in Miami, and ends tomorrow May 5 in London. So quite surely tonight was a gala dinner before the final disembarkation tomorrow morning (read here for details about that long cruise).

Funnily, Libera would almost have also participated in the Christening of this new boat "Sun", the ceremony was held in Shanghai in front of the Bund, at the exact same place Libera were on a boat 5 months ago ;) (see about that ceremony here).

I have not succeeded yet to find any photo of a festive dinner on that Ship toning that would confirm the mentioned gig... but I can see no other context that the one I expose here above, all things matches too well to allow any other explanation.
So let's search and explore the social medias, for sure some happy people will have posted photos, videos or reports of a choir in white robes singing on their ship tonight :)

Re: Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018 (?)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:45 pm
by Surpinto
Nice find, FDL! I have looked for anything demonstrating Libera's involvement after reading your post here but have come up empty handed. But if you cannot find it then no one can!

Hopefully they can continue this relationship with Viking and hopefully other corporate sponsors as well.

Re: Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018 (?)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 4:27 am
by Protiusmime
Thank you very much for your splendid investigative talents. Early last week, in my attempt to garner any info on Libera's Summer Tour, and knowing that Viking Cruises sponsored them in 2017, I scraped through Vikings website and itinerary for any mention. I found nothing. I think I must have been a day early. I see Vikings donors for 2018. If it is an annual sponsorship, perhaps they are not sponsoring Libera again this year, save for this gala cruise-end celebration. Libera is fitting best for things like this.
Keep up the excellent work, Patrick. You are an awesome following for Libera fans. We need such info.

Re: Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018 (?)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 2:26 pm
by fan_de_LoK
No photo from passengers found so far, strange...

Thankfully Libera official has posted an Instagram and a tweet about their performance yesterday night on the Viking Sun :)




Re: Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:55 pm
by Surpinto
More photos from this event; this time from Facebook. Libera also posted a black and white version of the second photo on Instagram.



Re: Performance on board the Viking "Sun" Ship, May 2018

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:54 am
by Jay_S
Nice work by Patrick and Surpinto! Many thanks guys!