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hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:27 pm
by emmaclaire
Hello! My name is Emma! I am new to the website entirely. I am 14 years old. I am from New York in the USA. I am a huge Libera fan. I'll do a quick brief on how I was introduced into Libera. In 8th grade last year, we were watching this video in school, featuring Libera's song Far Away. [youtube][/youtube] (sorry you have to watch it on youtube.) Some of the girls even started to cry! But anyway, I am very curious and I thought the song was gorgeous, so I went home and looked it up. I found out the group was Libera and I bought the song on iTunes. Soon after I started listening to every ther song. So I have like, 68 songs on my iPod of theirs now. I've never been to a Libera concert before because my parents and little sister think Libera isn't for kids my age. The laugh every time they see my listening to Libera. So it is extremely frustrating. Could any of you give me advice on how to approach my parents to let me go?! That would be great! So yeah, uuhh. Thank you! :D

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:55 pm
by Yorkie
Hello Emma and welcome to the forum - that song was my first Libera song too. I don't think I'm really the right person to give you advice on how to talk to your family but we have a few fans your age on here so maybe they will help.

The main thing is you can always talk to other people that feel the same way as you do on here so feel free to post away and join in the chat.

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:53 pm
by paul
Hi Emma and welcome.

You have come to the right place to talk about Libera. Also you will find all the latest news here. :P

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:21 pm
by Rebecca (:
Hey Emma! Welcome! :D I'm Rebecca, as you can see from my username ;D, and I'm 14 as well!(althoguh, I'm one of the only other fans this age, in the US at least!) :D
As for advice, to go to my first concert I pretty much just had to beg... I got laughed at as well at first, by all 3 of my siblings, but with time they just learned to except it. I do come from a classical/choral music family, but even my parents thought it was weird that a teenage girl would spend her time listening to a boys choir instead of the latest pop singer. It did take me 3 years to convince them to take me to a concert, but I think it was worth it.. ask anyone who was there and they'l say how in shock I was... :roll: I really hope you get to go to a concert soon, and that your family will become Libera fans! :D

Oh! I just realized that we've talked before! Well anyways, hi again!

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:40 pm
by Colin
Hi Emma! Hope you'll enjoy it here! But I'm sure you will :lol:

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:29 pm
by Murkskis
Hi Emma ! Welcome on Dreams! :D

I also can't understand why so many people think that only popstars deserve attention :roll:
Whatever, you will meet here a lot of fans that can truly appreciate Libera's music!

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:52 pm
by viabuona
Hi Emma, welcome at Libera-Dreams. :D
Well, the best you convince your mother or dad to accompany you to a concert. Libera has then one fan more :lol:

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:54 pm
by jesuspeace34
Welcome to the forum Emma. Enjoy your time here.

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:19 am
by symphonica7
Hey! Emma! Hope to get to know ya a bit....! Have an amazing moment!

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:12 am
by sweetangel16
Hi Emma. Welcome to the forum. Hope you had a great time here :)


Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:31 pm
by maartendas
Welcome Emma, and as you have noticed people here are very friendly ;) Hope you have a good time here.

I'm surprised your family feels that way about Libera - I would say Libera has a lot more to offer to young kids than most mainstream artists. But just shrug your shoulders about that and enjoy Libera together with other fans :) and feel free to join in the discussions :)

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:05 pm
by emmaclaire
I just want to thank all of you for being so supportive to me. I learned today that I really can't tell my family about Libera. So thank you so much!

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:45 am
by symphonica7
Wow! That's really sad.....I'm really sorry...........

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:56 am
by Lauren
Hi, Emma! I think you're the one I e-mailed, right? Glad you joined the forum! It's fun to share your enthusiasm for Libera with other people. Hope you really like it here! :D

Re: hi! im new!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:34 pm
by emmaclaire
Lauren wrote:Hi, Emma! I think you're the one I e-mailed, right? Glad you joined the forum! It's fun to share your enthusiasm for Libera with other people. Hope you really like it here! :D
Yeah I am! Thanks so much for making me feel welcome everybody! I am in the working progress of asking my mom to let me go to these concerts. Even though they are 1227 miles away, I still want to go!