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Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:42 pm
by alpha
Quick question.....

Is the CD the audio track from the DVD, or an entirely different studio recording???

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:03 am
by LuxVenit
alpha wrote:Quick question.....

Is the CD the audio track from the DVD, or an entirely different studio recording???
I'm itching to know this too, as I really want to get both the CD and DVD at the same time but can wait if the songs on the CD are the same as the one from before (Joy to the World, Carol of the Bells, etc) and NOT the same ones produced for the DVD. I suspect that we won't know for sure until they're released in the Philippines though and people there can listen and confirm. If anyone else can shed some light on this or has any thoughts please share.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:49 pm
by fan_de_LoK
Libera has posted a new video on its Youtube account :)

It shows many image from Armagh, on stage and behind, ans also many short video footages from previous tours, including the recent Asians of course but also from Athens or Venice.

[BBvideo 640,410][/BBvideo]

This video is wonderfully made, very dynamic, live and funny :D
it's perfect to make people that don't know Libera yet to discover the choir :)

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:49 pm
by TullyBascombe
The trailer is now up at Libera Official.

[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

Holy cow! Both links posted at precisely 7:49.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:02 pm
by JimmyRiddle
Very nicely put together, should attract a few sales. How glorious the setting of the cathedral looks with the lights, and colours etc.. perfectly suited for HD presentation... If your fortunate enough to catch it in HD that is.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:34 pm
by Lumi
Ah, finally a trailer. :D When I first saw pictures from the concert I wasn't so sure about some of the lighting choices, but it really looks very good. The Wexford Carol sounds amazing.

I'm slightly wondering though why they only chose snippets of fairly simple harmonies in the songs – no solos, no descants included? The latter are, after all, things that really make them stand out (I mean for your average consumer looking for a CD/DVD to buy) and would be great for advertising.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:30 pm
by Yorkie
alpha wrote:Quick question.....

Is the CD the audio track from the DVD, or an entirely different studio recording???
Just my guess but I think it will be the audio from the actual concert - they did that for the Leiden CD and a studio version would cost extra and as we all know money is tight.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:15 am
by john45
Just a few notes on the PBS broadcast of the Armagh Concert DVD. Much has already been written about the music so no need to repeat that here. Public Television in the US is funded principally by voluntary donations. The program was part a PBS pledge drive where special programs are interrupted by pledge breaks lasting about 10 minutes each where viewers are urged to phone in and pledge donations in return for token gifts and to help to maintain the high standard of programming. In this case, for a pledge of $10 a month for one year the gift would be copies of both the concert DVD and the CD. The surprise of the night was that a special guest had been flown in from London to participate in the pledge breaks --- and the special guest was ----- wait for it, Josh Madine!!! Josh was his usual confident, charming, articulate and handsome self and no doubt significantly boosted pledges. Among other things, we learned that his favourite carol is “Carol of the Bells” and that his favourite tour destination is the Philippines “where the people are so lovely”.

The concert introduction was by RP (as was briefly posted on YouTube a few days ago). Songs were in the same order as listed on the DVD label but there were interruptions for pledge breaks after each four songs. For me, the production was excellent – the lighting worked really well and enhanced the beauty of the cathedral and added to the mood. There were lots of close ups (some perhaps too close) and interesting shots from many different angles. Sound was excellent to my ear. There were a number of audience shots featuring many of the usual suspects including a good looking chap in a blue shirt in the front row.

I am now looking forward to seeing the DVD without interruptions and with the special features.


Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:39 am
by YukiBOL
Thank you, John, for the post!! Wow Josh was there as a surprise guest from London! Surprise indeed! :D
And the introduction of the DVD is RP - yeah I also thought so when I first watched that short video! Did you find me in the audience as well? Hehe
Really really looking forward to seeing the full DVD!!!
Thanks again, John! :D


Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:14 am
by john45
YukiBOL wrote: Did you find me in the audience as well?
Yes, you are seen a few times. Most of the usual fans are seen.

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:02 am
by dani
Shocked by Josh being there as you would of assumed he was in his first year at Uni now and they normally start about now .

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:09 am
by Yorkie
Thanks for the report John, sounds excellent. I wonder if any of the footage of Josh will ever turn up..... Close ups that were too close? Dear Lord, I hope that wasn't the audience! Funny, I don't remember seeing a good looking bloke in the front row - there was an old geezer though :wink:

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:13 am
by Nikki178
Apologies if this has already been discussed but will the new DVD and CD be released worldwide? I just checked it out and Amazon US and both are listed at about USD20. I'm assuming if it is to be released in Japan only then the price would have been higher. :)

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:35 pm
by JimmyRiddle
Thanks John for the PBS info, and great that Josh was exclusively flown over to the States to promote the Christmas DVD - Never heard of anything like that happening before, but demonstrates how seriously those marketing Libera are taking this...

Not sure why the Christmas (Ireland) CD is not placed in the 'Christmas Music' catagory on Amazon but hovering in the 400-450 overall in Music it would be currently about 4th in this listing

...The DVD is holding it's place in the top 20 of Music DVD's

Good start...

Re: Libera - Christmas in Ireland

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:33 pm
by john45
Yorkie wrote:Close ups that were too close?
In a couple of instances, so close that any closer and you would be inspecting their tonsils. There was also a scary looking guy in the second row.