New album is called Hope

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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by bachmahlerfan »

filiarheni wrote: <span title="Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:29 pm">7 years ago</span> Oh ... I meant, I could identify them by their solo voices, since they are special or their way of singing is so characteristic (Tom Cully).

I don't know if I could distinguish a voice from the choir sound. I've never paid attention to it, and, to be honest, I like to hear the choir as a whole and wouldn't want to hear single voices, at least not too distinctly. With Camden's voice, I realised for the first time that one of the boys can be heard so well. Anyway, as said above, in my eyes it's alright in his case, because his voice does not "divide" the choir sound, but only influences it.

@bachmahlerfan, I'm interested: Do you just hear this kind of things or do you try to hear it?
I immediately noticed his voice in a few places without trying to hear his voice, and then later on I made a conscious effort to pick out his voice in other songs. So, in response to your question, it's a combination of the two. I don't want to exaggerate and make it sound like his voice is everywhere, but his voice does make a significant contribution to the overall sound in numerous places. It may not be obvious in songs where he keeps his vibrato in check, but it's quite obvious in a song such as "From a Distance." As a side note, I've done a lot of choral singing in my life, so my experience with listening to voices around me has given me a greater sensitivity to hearing individual voices.

Re: New album is called Hope

Post by bachmahlerfan »

I heard a radio broadcast streaming live from Wandsworth Radio which featured a couple segments about Libera. They were featured on the Sunday Joy show which ran from 9 to 10 AM. The radio host pre-recorded an interview she did with Robert Prizeman. She saw Libera last Sunday at a local Catholic church singing for Mass. They played "From a Distance" and two selections from Angel Voices: Libera in Concert. There wasn't much new information, but RP mentioned the China tour again, and when discussing the ages of the members, he said there were two members on the most recent tour who were 8 years old. I haven't found any recording of the segment online.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by JimmyRiddle »

Well Libera made 21st in the US Classical Billboard Chart
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libhopebillboard.JPG (58.4 KiB) Viewed 2823 times
Unfortunately lower than their peak chart entries for 'Peace' and ' America' albums which went in at 8.

I can't for the life of me source how they charted in the UK classical charts. I don't know if they are being classified differently or not registered in some way. Sadly the promotional opportunities have been next to zero, only Classic FM featured them for album of the week. It could be that they charted outside the top 50.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by Surpinto »

Thank you for sharing this, Jimmy. I hope that this helps their ticket sales for the US tour. :D

Re: New album is called Hope

Post by bachmahlerfan »

Just for fun, I thought I would post a link of the chant that is the source of the solo section of "Venite Adoremus".
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by filiarheni »

Thank you for finding that! I'm wondering why such things are not declared in the booklet?
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by Surpinto »

bachmahlerfan wrote: <span title="Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:07 am">7 years ago</span> Just for fun, I thought I would post a link of the chant that is the source of the solo section of "Venite Adoremus".
Wow! Good find. It's a great melody.
filiarheni wrote: <span title="Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:27 pm">7 years ago</span> Thank you for finding that! I'm wondering why such things are not declared in the booklet?
Maybe because these chants were only a rough basis and citations of such works is not customary unless one copies them more heavily than is done here? I think that our modern notions of author attribution would have seemed quite foreign and, dare I say, vain, to the monastics who composed these original liturgical pieces.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by Jay_S »

Hi folks! This is most likely not news to anyone here but I recently visited the Libera website and I was very happy to see the lyrics to the songs on Hope. :mrgreen:

I hadn't noticed this feature before now. Click the little blue page icon to the right of the songs and the lyrics show up!

I have visited the site for lyrics of previous albums but the lyrics for Hope haven't been added there yet.

This new (to me) feature was very helpful to me as I really wanted to know the exact lyrics to 3 Ravens. I had seen many other examples online but none of them had the same lyrics as on Hope
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by andmar »

Jay_S wrote: <span title="Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:55 pm">7 years ago</span> Hi folks! This is most likely not news to anyone here but I recently visited the Libera website and I was very happy to see the lyrics to the songs on Hope
This is really a useful feature. I appreciate it very much, as I often don't understand the words being sung :oops: .

Jay_S wrote: <span title="Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:55 pm">7 years ago</span> I have visited the site for lyrics of previous albums
I think mavi's site is even better regarding the information about songs. It not only provides the lyrics, but also indicates which parts are sung by soloists and which by the choir. Additionally there is data about different versions of the song (authors, recording/first publishing year, soloist, lineup and so on) plus in many cases some interesting remarks about the song or its background (this is in German only).
I even noticed, that the lyrics on Libera's page are sometimes different from the words sung, while the ones on mavi's site are correct and even with remark, that the lyrics was changed (for instance: look at the lyrics for "Santa Will Find You" - on the Libera site there is the original text, while in fact the words sung are slightly different in two lines - this is mentioned on the mavi's site).

Re: New album is called Hope

Post by bachmahlerfan »

I was thinking about the timing of Libera's recordings as it relates to when the voices of individual singers are at their peak. With the "Hope" album, the timing couldn't have been better for Alex M., especially considering how quickly his voice changed after the Christmas concert. On the other hand, I didn't get to hear as much of Alessandro's voice at its peak as I would have liked. The timing of the last couple recordings, and the style of solo singing needed for the songs released in Japan did not work in his favor. I'm sure there have been other Libera singers who sounded great at their peak who met a similar circumstance. As an aside, I never could figure out why Stefan L.'s solo voice wasn't put to better use in the 2011 Christmas album.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by kinda_k00l »

After having listened to the album several times (by several I mean a lot) and read briefly through 27 pages of this thread (where I learned how different each person's taste could be haha), here is my *cough* not so short *cough* review. There's just a lot of things I want to say :|

To begin with, I have just discovered Libera recently (June 2017 to be specific) and was instantly stunned by their magical singing ability. Since then I've turned on my stalking mood on the group lol. For this lovely album, I was so hyped when listening to it for like the 5 first times, so I just waited until everything cooled down a bit before I went on praising and praising it excessively. Also, the process of writing this album's review took longer than intended because of its length perhaps. :?

Salve Regina
A slow, lovely, traditional classical-like piece to open the album. I simply love every second of it (I have always liked this kind of music), very calm and smooth song about Mother Mary. At first listen I didn’t realize that the original is by Franz Schubert, sounds so different (that means until now I’ve heard them singing 2 pieces by originally by Schubert, Ave Maria and this – adore both of them). I particularly like the parts where the music builds up ‘O clemens, O pia’, and a bunch of high notes at the end. And I’m so glad the lower parts have a place to shine in this song, the key change is smooth too. However, the most impressive part of this song for me is definitely the background instrumental (especially that enchanted flute) – it makes everything sound even more magical. For some people, it may be not strong enough to be the first track in an album, for me it is perfect (would love Rocco to have more solo lines than the one and only “Mari-i-i-i-a” though).

I’m Dreaming of Home
Another calm & smooth song. I have a feeling that this is a little bit familiar although I’m sure I’ve never listened to it before (can’t tell the reason why though, maybe it’s that typical kind of song that children in the West usually sing perhaps?) But I’m fine with familiarity as long as the song sounds good, well this one certainly does. And of course I must mention that bridge – it’s super-duper lovely with Camden’s voice (his voice is so distinct – I’m not aware of it until now, hehe sorry Camden). The key change there is nice too, and the last note where the ‘Home’ word is hold by the soprano while the alto sings its melody also hooks my attention. I still prefer Salve Regina more though.

Angele Dei
There are two songs about angels in this album and this is one of the two – A Liberaesque song with a kinda mysterious atmosphere. After the first two calm song, this is where they step up their game I guess. Alex M’s rich voice here sounds really nice – his high notes give me goosebumps (I’ve always been caught by his high notes since I listened to the video of ‘Song of Life’ in America that someone has posted on YouTube), and I just love that background harmony soooo much (I don’t know about you guys, but I instantly thought about the Medieval period when I first listened to those harmony lines, pretty mystic). A little bit repetitive track in my opinion, but overall it is great.

A Libera cover of an existed song (just known about that recently after listen to it for some time). Gabe’s and Alessandro’s voices blend very well together (Gabe's voice here sounds really good). To Libera staff: please make more of this kind of ‘duo solo’ where a high voice and a low one (of the members whose voices have changed) sing together in the future. About the harmony in the back, it’s a nice one, especially when it comes to the somewhat unexpected minor chords (I don’t really know how to express this idea in English, like they’re the chords that belongs to the song’s parallel minor scale, not the major scale of the song itself). However, it’s still a bit dull to me.

Stabat Mater
This song reminds me of ‘Ave Maria’ (the one with Tom Cully singing) and also ‘O Sanctissima’, which is a good thing. Robert Prizeman certainly knows what this kind of song need – everything is nice, and I really enjoy the mystic and dolorous atmosphere of it. I think Isaac is the perfect pick for the solo of this song – his voice has something I can’t really tell (it’s ‘precise’ or something?), but it fits this song perfectly. I adore all the soaring high notes (they give me chills) as well as the special chord Robert uses there. Plus it’s nice to listen to natural minor scale once in a while, calm but woeful at the same time.

Benedictus Deus
Tom DL is one of my favorite in the group, because his voice is ‘a perfect example for treble voice’ to me – high, bright and light. I instantly fell in love with this song after 10 seconds of listening (my heart skipped a beat when they sang ‘Nomen Sanctum’ at the beginning) and as it continued, it just kept on getting better. Tom DL’s voice seems to be soaring to the air, and the choir’s harmony throughout the song is breathtaking, not to mention all those crazy key changes (the song started with G major and goes through various key changes until it ends in Db major, pretty hardcore right?). In short, this song is just out of this world – the structure, the harmony, the key changes... everything. Also, the last ‘Amen’ is one of the best ‘amen’ I’ve ever heard. So far this one is my favorite of the whole album.

From a distance
Another cover of an existed song (and I also didn’t know that until recently, I’m soooo out of date haha – well, I did find the original version on YouTube and I like this one much better, since there was harmony and it was Libera – hats off to Sam Coats who can turn this pop-ish song into a Libera one). The song starts with a bunch of harmony, nice! When Alex M begins to sing, there is piano accompaniment and also some kind of sound I cannot identify – I like that legato sound a lot, it appears in the background of many of Libera songs (maybe it’s the boys’ voices put in synch?). In my opinion, Alex’s voice sounds nicer when he is singing the upper range (not that I’m complaining nor he’s not good here). Once again there’s a wonderful build up bridge in the middle, which is the part I like best. Lastly, the message conveyed in this song is serious and clear and I was moved by it, why are we human not living like this?

Three Ravens
I just totally cannot get this song and why they chose to do it for this album. The melody seems to have no order whatsoever and the chords also makes me confused. However, Gregor’s voice is stunning here to make it up (I kinda admire him and also two other soloists for being able to pull off such a melody & harmony - as a member of a choir I can tell that this one is a real challenge). I was wondering as to whether Libera could perform this song live since it is full of dissonances, only to find out that they have already sung it live numerous times, lol. After a few listens, it did grow on me and now I can enjoy it without hitting the skip button, but I still think that replacing this song with another one is a good idea (even though Libera can easily show off their skills by singing this song).

The second song about angels in this album (obviously) and also one of the first Libera songs I have ever listened to (I’m a new fan here). It’s lovely in every possible way, Muramatsu did a good job, again. Isaac’s soft voice just touched my soul, and I felt so grateful to my own guardian angel that I literally shed a few drops of tear at the end of each verse where he sang ‘You are my guardian, angel of mine’. I enjoy every single note of the ‘aa’ harmony throughout the song, too (just give them alto part an applause). Also, the Latin bridge where the soprano soaring the high notes (“venite adoramus” “laudate Deo”) is breathtakingly magical to me. Somebody complains that this is too similar to their previous works (music also by Muramatsu), but as I’ve mentioned earlier, I don’t have any problems with that as long as the song sounds good.

Wayfaring Stranger
As far as I know, this one is a traditional American song rearranged for Libera. The solo at the beginning is lovely and it really draws the listeners to this song’s mood (personally, I like Sam W’s voice in the 2014 version a little bit more, but I don’t blame Alex G as that version is not easy to top and Alex also did a good job here). More people join in verse 2 & they provide some more enjoyable harmony, then it builds up to a crescendo with the full choir singing ‘til the end – I like this kind of structure, it prevents the listener from getting bored. The instrumental is brilliantly done too. Thanks, Sam Coates (again)!

Hymn to Mary
As far as I get in listening to Libera music, I have noticed that most of Libera’s songs about Mother Mary (regardless of composers) can be divided into 2 categories: one has songs like Salve Regina & Hymn to Mary, the other has songs like Stabat Mater & O Sanctissima. Well, I love both of them haha. Back to this song, it’s simple but really really lovely, I was a little bit surprised when Isaac got this one for himself – no support from other boys, no background harmony, just Isaac & his super sweet voice (which can melt you, be careful). I can even imagine Mother Mary looking & smiling at him when listening to this song. This little simple song is where I go to when I am in a bad mood because it helps lighten up my soul. More harmony can be added but I'm still grateful that they didn't do so because 1) this very version is lovely in its own way and 2) I can arrange the harmony parts to make a cover...

San Damiano
The opening can’t get better. This joyful piece is nice to listen to too. The boys really did well singing the melody and the rich harmony - I enjoy the harmony of this song very much. About the instruments and mixing, this one is the odd one out of the album – the only one in which modern electronic instruments & beats are used (although there are still other somewhat ‘modern’ songs in this album, they don’t have much electronic sounds). However, as I don’t like too much ‘electronic’ in a song performed by Libera or any choral group (the same case with Adoramus, I find this kind of orchestration a little bit too ‘pop’ for Libera), I still skip it sometimes when it appears in my playlist.

Venite Adoremus
A chilling, mystique piece, instant like! It sounds like a Gregorian chant at times (which is definitely not a bad thing to me because I simply adore Gregorian chants). Merlin’s voice sounds heavenly, and the high notes in contrast to the calming melody are also nice, it actually helps ‘raise the song up high’ (don’t know how to say it) and touches me in such a magical way. I also want to give the lower part (sung by the boys whose voices have changed) a big hand since it adds a more calming traditional feel and enriches the song in a very nice way – I dare to say that the song and even its atmosphere can’t stay the same without the contribution of the lower part. This song have stuck in my head for a while now, I sometimes go “Venite Adoremus, Venite Adoremus Deus” unintentionally.

This song sounds pretty much like Angel lol (play the chorus of it, then sing Angel's melody and you'll get what I mean), I guess it’s Muramatsu again? I was wondering why they put two similar songs on the same album (I have no problems with it, but it undeniably declines the diversity of the album by one unit). Nevertheless, Ciarian’s voice here is wonderful – so lovely and emotional! The group did a nice job, too, although the bridge is not as good as Angel’s in my opinion. This song reminds me of my grandma and I feel the urge to cry when it comes to the ‘not a bird on the wing, nor a song they could sing for the loved ones we see no more their suffering and pain’ part. The lyrics of this one is really nice and it truly gives me hope (just like the title of the album) about a place for me and my beloved ones in heaven. A good way to end a good album.

Overall: This is (again) a wonderful album by Libera. This album (like almost all of their other albums and songs) just keeps getting better and better as I continue listening to it. As a classical music lover, I pay a lot of attention to the harmony when I listen to music, and all the harmony parts are on point here, with each part carries its own purposes (well, except for those of ‘Three Ravens’ I still find the song somewhat messy), and the Liberaesque feel created by them is as clear as day (although I have not listened to their music for long, I can comprehend that ‘Liberaesque feel’ to a certain degree). All the boys have been working very hard, that’s for sure. God bless them! I’ve just got to know them recently, and their music just totally stuns me in a very special way. So, thank you, Libera!

Ahh, that's all for my first ever Libera review. :D One more thing to say: it took me more time and effort to write a review for Libera's music than for that of other modern artists. It is because Libera's music just cannot flourish to its full beauty when you listen to it in a sketchy way, and also because there are so many people involved in the process of writing the music/lyrics, arranging and producing... I always feel the urge to do a little research about such information before writing a review. But in this case, it's totally worth it!! 8)
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by john45 »

Enjoyed your review very much. Thank you. Though I have to say that I'm pretty sure that "Three Ravens" has not been performed live thus far. I did get to ask Gregor in Japan if there were any plans to perform it in a concert. At that time there was no such plan but, who knows, in spite of its difficulty (and Gregor's impending voice change) we might be surprised. I hope so.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by andmar »

It was a joy to read your review kinda_k00l. Thank you.

It's not only "Three Ravens" which is completely different. On the Hope CD you can find songs of at least three or four kinds (or genres). But yes, "Three Ravens" is of a kind, which has never been sung by Libera before. And how hypnotizing the song is!!

By the way, as john45 mentioned, "Three Ravens" has never been performed live so far.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by Surpinto »

Fantastic review! Finally someone who loves "Salve Regina" as much as I do. I felt the same way that you did about "Three Ravens" but now it has become one of my favorites on the album and, like you, it had to grow on me more than just a bit.

I enjoyed reading this review as you have stated your opinions in great detail and obviously took considerable time to express things so well.
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Re: New album is called Hope

Post by Jay_S »

WoW ! This is quite a review! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts about this album.
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