Libera to tour USA - Summer 2017

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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by hiskeys »

I just happened to think - I wonder if Libera had offered to sing one or two songs in the morning service tomorrow at Calvary Community. It would most likely bring out some more people at the evening concert. As we all know, most folks don't realize Libera's quality until they hear them. And the rest of the congregation might not be able to make it to the concert, but could at least have the opportunity to hear them and perhaps become fans. It would make for another long day, but maybe they could squeeze in an afternoon nap.
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by Libera Snow »

Hello Nathan,

It's a very nice note about the concert.
Thank you very much!

I have read your comment and I am really looking forward to my first concert!
As you mentioned this;
If this was your first concert, you got a really great one.
Yes,absolutely it will be!

Thanks again.

Libera Snow

Hi Everyone!

My name is Nathan, and I just came back from the concert at Christ Cathedral. I'm not very gifted with words, and my musical education is null. So I'll just sum everything up by saying that I had goosebumps almost the entire. I'm also embarassed to say that I almost had "leaky" eyes when they walked onto stage the first time. (Not sure if stage is the correct term, I think they might hold mass up there but I didn't see any altar). The room was packed and I was very excited to see that.

The songs were amazing. I was very happy to hear them sing Libera. I know they do it at almost every concert, but this is my fourth one and is only the first time I've heard them sing Libera. I don't know if you're a real Libera concert goer if you haven't heard them sing their flagship song! There was a wonderful moment when the Orange County diocesean children's choir joined Libera for a quick few verses. The parents of one of the girls that was in the choir was sitting next to me. They were very excited.

Speaking of those parents, we chatted quite a bit during intermission and after the concert. They were very shocked to hear I travelled all the way from South Dakota to attend. I wonder how shocked they'd be if they found out that people travelled from all over the world to visit! At the end of the concert, one of them turned to me and said, "I am now a huge fan." Her husband looked at me and said that he had never heard anything like them in his life. It was the best concert he had been to. He's a big fan of the USAF Academy Choir and said that the academy choir pales in comparison to Libera.

Libera gained a lot of new fans this weekend from the Orange County residents. Another couple next to me, kept saying "wow" after every single song. Another couple were talking during intermission about how they have never thought choirs could sing so powerfully and beautifully. I heard similar statements from all lots of different people that I spoke with.

Libera did do a meet an greet. The poor boys were all so very exhausted. I believe California is about 9 hours behind their local time. I'm just guessing though, I'm too tired to look it up! Anyways, the boys were very delightful to chat with. Well, the teenagers were. A lot of the younger ones were too focused on staying awake. Lol! (I got in near the end of the meet and greet line so maybe they were a little more awake at the beginning). I did make Peter (I believe that's his name) perk up quite a bit when I told him I loved the sunglasses he was wearing during a video he made earlier today.

The evening was very enjoyable, and I wish I had the musical education to describe the songs, but I don't so I won't. I'm sure most of you have heard a lot of them already! A funny, but kind regrettable thing did happen though. Libera had basic programmes that they passed out, but they also had a bigger booklet as well that they were going to sell for a premium. Their printer got confused and ended up handing out the booklets to some lucky people to free! Someone from Christ Cathedral did ask for people to donate some extra money to make up for the loss of revenue from the booklets being handed for free. When I was purchasing a hoodie, a lot of people went back there and donated money, and that was really great to see.

If this was your first concert, you got a really great one. If you've been to a few already (this was my fourth), you also got a fantastic concert. If you haven't been to one, I'd make it a priority at least. Their concerns are absolutely amazing.
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by katyafan »

Well, hello everyone!

So I’ve been around this board for a few years now. Last night was my second Libera concert, the first being 2009, when the boys were last in Orange County, back when the church was the “Crystal Cathedral.” That was a magical night, being my very first live exposure, and a couple of the songs and their interpretation have stuck with me to this day. I have zero money and am therefore unable to travel, so when I heard my favorite little robed-ones were making their way to Southern California, I darn near exploded. And for two concerts!!!!!!

You may have noticed from the intro and any pre-emptive scrolling, this will be long. Scroll down to the line of asterisks for the review of the actual songs, to be preceeded by an introduction of myself, what Libera means to me, and general observations and musings.

My name is Diane, I’m a 35 year-old grad student and TA from Los Angeles. Found Libera around 2007, during a general Youtube search for boychoir videos. Music is everything to me. EVERYTHING. I have depression, anxiety, IBS, asthma, and assorted other maladies. I am disabled due to them. Music is what keeps me alive. Libera is a large part of that.

Enough about me. General observations, with one caveat: I don’t notice lighting, stage formations, or venue details, as I focus on the music. I know the rest of you will do your usual amazing job with those particular details, and I look forward to your reviews!


Very well done, group cohesion and awareness between harmony parts were well-above par for even a seasoned professional youth choir. I noticed several glances from boys checking with each other that they were on time with their group.

Professionalism was outstanding. They are boys, they giggle, they trip, they flub, but each time they regained composure, didn’t miss a beat, and focused on their tasks, even through small giggle fits (that only added to the magic). This is something adult musicians can have trouble with. I was very impressed. It is obvious that RP doesn’t rule with an iron fist, but rather encourages discipline along with joy. What a remarkable man.

Focus and enthusiasm were also readily apparent. We all know which boys wear their love of singing on their faces at all times, and they brought me great joy. What most casual observers wouldn’t notice was the ability of most of them to visibly tie their emotions to the songs. This cannot be taught, is obvious when faked, and to have it occur in young boys is rare indeed.

Last general observation: they work as a team. They noticed when those next to them had a great descant, for example, or a bit of a pitch issue, and smiled together each time. Warmed my heart.

Well done to those still with me! Onwards to individual songs.

San Damiano:

Possibly my favorite song of the night. Energetically sung, lots of smiles and energy. Delightful.


Wonderful. Harmonies held together, timing was spot on, effortless high-flying from Taichi, Leo, and Rocco. A concert staple for numerous reasons, well done.

I’m Dreaming of Home:

I don’t like this song at all, but that doesn’t matter because it wasn’t written or sung for me! This is one of the times the boys have to sing quietly and gently, which is a task for so many strong voices. I was glad to hear Camden’s soft and textured timbre singing the first descant. I was hoping to catch him before his voice break, and now I can die happy. Taichi did the rest of that line after another round of the chorus, and he showed his experience. He initially missed the first couple of notes due to what sounded like a voice crack or small throat issue (no one who didn’t know the song would have caught it), and decided to skip the next couple notes in order to come strong into the rest of the line. A mature choice and a confident young man! Smiling all the time.

From a Distance:

Again, not a favorite of mine, but no fault to be found in this interpretation. Merlin capably handled the solo, with a quiet assuredness. One of the few the boys that looks constantly at RP for direction when singing a solo. There was a palpable connection between them.

Angele Dei:

Wow. My goodness, Rocco has the whole package. Despite a few coughs in between songs, which I hope isn’t a cold, he managed to draw in the audience and at the same time set himself flying above the stage with a measured, well-timed performance. His voice is crystal clear and he has full control of it. Glad to see he has such a large solo/mini-solo/descant load. I love the balance of this piece, not too loud or piercing on the higher bits.

Orinoco Flow:

One of the highlights for me. All the boys seemed drawn into the song, their movements were quick and energetic, and again the timing was spot-on between the different parts. Purely entertaining and enthusiastically performed. Bravo!

Sacris Solemnis:

I am obsessed with this song. Simply nutters for it. The balance has to be perfect between the groups, and the descanters have to stay right in time, and they pulled it off brilliantly! One of the more emotionally heavy songs, and I would imagine more than abstract for the younger ones, but they dug into themselves and made everyone feel the power of their voices. Ludwig B would be mightily impressed, I am sure.

Wonderful World:

I couldn’t help it, I spent most of the song looking at Isaac. I felt sorrow that he wasn’t singing treble anymore. The boys nailed this one as well, and Merlin brought his calm sweetness to the solo role. The word “delightful” always comes to my mind when I see him sing. Happy to hear him live!


The signature song, flawless, and strongly helmed by Rocco and Alex in duet. Those two need more duets. MORE.


Woohoo! Got a couple bags, and the cutest little pen! If I forget, remind me to show pictures. Would a better use of my time have been to use the restroom, and purchase things later? Absolutely. Do I regret it? I regret nothing. Had a wonderful chat with some new friends both from this forum and outside it! Plugged Libera and this website to everyone I talked to. Convinced a few of them to buy the CD. Made a donation. My work here is done.

Second part of the review tomorrow! Looking forward to tomorrow’s concert as well, will be interesting to note the differences and similarities.

Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by bachmahlerfan »

katyafan wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:55 am">6 years ago</span>
Wonderful World:

I couldn’t help it, I spent most of the song looking at Isaac. I felt sorrow that he wasn’t singing treble anymore. The boys nailed this one as well, and Merlin brought his calm sweetness to the solo role. The word “delightful” always comes to my mind when I see him sing. Happy to hear him live!
Thanks for the first half of your review. It's nice to get different perspectives on the concert, even if your song preferences don't completely agree with mine. I quoted your comments on "Wonderful World" because other reviews stated that Gabe Collins did the solo on that song. I just want to make sure that I have the right information regarding the concert.

Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by bachmahlerfan »

At the Russian site, they posted a photo of Libera at an evening service at Calvary Comm. Church. It appears to have been taken by a phone. I don't think I have ever seen a picture with Libera quite like it!
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by hiskeys »

bachmahlerfan wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:49 am">6 years ago</span> At the Russian site, they posted a photo of Libera at an evening service at Calvary Comm. Church. It appears to have been taken by a phone. I don't think I have ever seen a picture with Libera quite like it!
Maybe they were involved with a Saturday evening worship service at Calvary Community. Some larger churches have Saturday evening as an option, especially since modern culture regrettably requires more people to work on Sundays.

It looks like they were singing with the church's worship band. If so, I wonder what songs would have fit? Total Praise, perhaps - it would have had more 'umph' with some rhythm instruments. From their current set, Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, even Joyful, Joyful (have you seen the video of them singing this with the Christ Cathedral kids?), as well as Wayfarin' Stranger could have been accompanied by a few others without much difficulty. Whatever the song(s), they were memorized (no music). In addition to the acoustic guitar player in front, there are at least two other guitars (bass?) and a female piano player. But maybe it was a song or two with just the acoustic guitar. On the other hand, he seems to have his own microphone, plus if he was just accompanying, he would be off to the side.

I like the idea of collaboration in general, though. It gets other local people involved, and helps create a larger audience, since the families and friends of the others involved will most likely be there.

By the way, good photos of the Meet & Greet on the Russian site as well, just further down from where the above photo is.
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by john45 »

bachmahlerfan wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:22 am">6 years ago</span> I quoted your comments on "Wonderful World" because other reviews stated that Gabe Collins did the solo on that song. I just want to make sure that I have the right information regarding the concert.
It was indeed Gabriel who sang "Wonderful World"; Merlin was the principle descantist for "Sanctus".

"At the Russian site, they posted a photo of Libera at an evening service at Calvary Comm. Church. It appears to have been taken by a phone. I don't think I have ever seen a picture with Libera quite like it!"

Libera participated in the 6.00PM service at the Calvary Community Church this evening. It is a modern Evangelical Church with a strong emphasis on Contemporary Christian music. Libera joined the principle guitarist for one such song - which they appeared to have learned by heart in a very short period of time. They also sang "How Great Thou Art" alone (Alex G as soloist) which was very well received by the congregation. The pastor spoke of Libera's achievements and encouraged the congregation to buy tickets for tomorrows concert. They will also participate in morning services tomorrow. A busy schedule. Good job they will have a few days off before the next concert in Houston.
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by katyafan »

bachmahlerfan wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:22 am">6 years ago</span>
katyafan wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:55 am">6 years ago</span>
Wonderful World:

I couldn’t help it, I spent most of the song looking at Isaac. I felt sorrow that he wasn’t singing treble anymore. The boys nailed this one as well, and Merlin brought his calm sweetness to the solo role. The word “delightful” always comes to my mind when I see him sing. Happy to hear him live!
Thanks for the first half of your review. It's nice to get different perspectives on the concert, even if your song preferences don't completely agree with mine. I quoted your comments on "Wonderful World" because other reviews stated that Gabe Collins did the solo on that song. I just want to make sure that I have the right information regarding the concert.

Hello! Yes, my bad, it was Gabe. I didn't take any notes, so I'm doing this all from memory. Thanks for the correction!

Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by bachmahlerfan »

I haven't seen anybody make mention of technical problems with microphones or the balance of sound between orchestra and choir, so I'm guessing the concert went pretty smoothly in that regard. When Libera had their concert in Ely Cathedral, one reviewer on a different site complained quite a bit about the sound at the concert (esp. in the first half).
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by Libera Snow »

Hello Diane,

Thank you for your review!
I am very glad to get so much information about the concert.

I am preparing for my first concert right now.
Today I will listen to all songs you mentioned in your review.

Also you will go to the concert this evening,too!
It's so wonderful.
Please enjoy the concert!

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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by Surpinto »

Here is a Facebook video of Libera and the Diocesan Children's Choir on "Joyful Joyful". It was posted on the official Christ Cathedral Music Facebook page. Usually I would not post this video because Libera are understandably wary of unofficial recordings made during the show. However this video was made by someone involved with the Diocesan Children's Choir whose videos are posted on the official facebook page of the Church choir; and since the video is an official part of the Church's music page that to me gives it the legitimacy required to post this video here.

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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by Libera Snow »

Dear everyone,

I am bit hesitate to ask you.....

I just curious how you guys get an information about extra performance during tour.
Example;the worship service at the Church
I am new to Libera,so just wonder why or how.

It's so delightful to share if you know any extra performance in Tulsa or St.Louis.

Thanks Surpinto!It's very wonderful video!
I am so happy to watch Libera's present performance.


Libera Snow

Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by bachmahlerfan »

Yuki (@DearLibera) posted a photo of Libera singing earlier today at Calvary Comm. Church which showed song lyrics that read, "And as He stands in victory sin's curse has lost its grip on me." I believe those words are from the popular Christian song "In Christ Alone."
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by jennaluvspbr »

Libera Snow wrote: <span title="Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:14 am">6 years ago</span> Hello Nathan,

It's a very nice note about the concert.
Thank you very much!

I have read your comment and I am really looking forward to my first concert!
As you mentioned this;
If this was your first concert, you got a really great one.
Yes,absolutely it will be!

Thanks again.

Libera Snow

Hi Everyone!

My name is Nathan, and I just came back from the concert at Christ Cathedral. I'm not very gifted with words, and my musical education is null. So I'll just sum everything up by saying that I had goosebumps almost the entire. I'm also embarassed to say that I almost had "leaky" eyes when they walked onto stage the first time. (Not sure if stage is the correct term, I think they might hold mass up there but I didn't see any altar). The room was packed and I was very excited to see that.

The songs were amazing. I was very happy to hear them sing Libera. I know they do it at almost every concert, but this is my fourth one and is only the first time I've heard them sing Libera. I don't know if you're a real Libera concert goer if you haven't heard them sing their flagship song! There was a wonderful moment when the Orange County diocesean children's choir joined Libera for a quick few verses. The parents of one of the girls that was in the choir was sitting next to me. They were very excited.

Speaking of those parents, we chatted quite a bit during intermission and after the concert. They were very shocked to hear I travelled all the way from South Dakota to attend. I wonder how shocked they'd be if they found out that people travelled from all over the world to visit! At the end of the concert, one of them turned to me and said, "I am now a huge fan." Her husband looked at me and said that he had never heard anything like them in his life. It was the best concert he had been to. He's a big fan of the USAF Academy Choir and said that the academy choir pales in comparison to Libera.

Libera gained a lot of new fans this weekend from the Orange County residents. Another couple next to me, kept saying "wow" after every single song. Another couple were talking during intermission about how they have never thought choirs could sing so powerfully and beautifully. I heard similar statements from all lots of different people that I spoke with.

Libera did do a meet an greet. The poor boys were all so very exhausted. I believe California is about 9 hours behind their local time. I'm just guessing though, I'm too tired to look it up! Anyways, the boys were very delightful to chat with. Well, the teenagers were. A lot of the younger ones were too focused on staying awake. Lol! (I got in near the end of the meet and greet line so maybe they were a little more awake at the beginning). I did make Peter (I believe that's his name) perk up quite a bit when I told him I loved the sunglasses he was wearing during a video he made earlier today.

The evening was very enjoyable, and I wish I had the musical education to describe the songs, but I don't so I won't. I'm sure most of you have heard a lot of them already! A funny, but kind regrettable thing did happen though. Libera had basic programmes that they passed out, but they also had a bigger booklet as well that they were going to sell for a premium. Their printer got confused and ended up handing out the booklets to some lucky people to free! Someone from Christ Cathedral did ask for people to donate some extra money to make up for the loss of revenue from the booklets being handed for free. When I was purchasing a hoodie, a lot of people went back there and donated money, and that was really great to see.

If this was your first concert, you got a really great one. If you've been to a few already (this was my fourth), you also got a fantastic concert. If you haven't been to one, I'd make it a priority at least. Their concerns are absolutely amazing.
[/quote] I am really happy that libera is at the crystal cathedral I was there in 2009 boy it's been a long time for me sens I full in love with libera mucis I am sorry I cloud not be there for them.this year but my be some day I can see them in country soon I am from California
Thanks guys for all the info jenna
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Re: Libera to tour USA

Post by john45 »

Some pictures after tonight's concert.
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Laurence, Alessandro and Rocco
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Nathaniel, Gregor and Peter
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Leo and Taichi
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Gabriel, Alex G, and Samuel-Francis
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Alex M and Emanuel
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