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Most memorable songs

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:03 am
by plumpuff6
I was thinking about all the new members and soloists in Libera, and that brought to mind the question regarding members that no longer sing treble/are going through the voice change: Which solos that each soloist has done are the most memorable?

Many of the boys have done multiple solos, but there are some that just stick out more to me than others, and are the ones I most remember them singing. (My list goes back to the early days of Libera, when Steven Geraghty was still a treble). Sometimes these songs are what I consider the soloists' "signature song", and sometimes that is not the case:

Liam O'Kane : Agnus Dei/Salva Me
Steven Geraghty : Vespera
Adam Harris : Mysterium
Ben Crawley : Attendite
Joe Platt : Stay With Me
Joe SW : Recordare
Michael Horncastle : Far Away/We Are the Lost
Tom Cully : Always With You/Ave Virgo/Air
Joe Snelling : Never Be Alone
Ed Day : Sanctus (2006)
Liam Connery : Sancte
Josh Madine : Love and Mercy/Faithful Heart
Ben Philipp : Lacrymosa (2010)