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Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:29 pm
by libera36
Hey everybody! I recently entered a photography contest and I have been selected as a semi-finalist, but I need as many votes as I can get to move on to the final round. Please vote for my photo, my (real :wink:) name is Ellen, and my photo is the one of the flags: ... er01003-2p

Also, if you could pass it on to anybody else you think would be willing to vote for a fellow Libera fan, or anybody else you think would like my photo, that would be great! Thanks so much! -Ellen

*I hope this doesn't go against any of the forum rules, I mean no harm by posting this!*

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:56 pm
by Yorkie
libera36 wrote: *I hope this doesn't go against any of the forum rules, I mean no harm by posting this!*
What rule did you think you might be breaking :lol: It's fine don't sweat it :D

I voted but I was disappointed to note that the only Union Jack visable was on the Aus/NZ flag (not sure which but I suspect New Zealand) - next time make sure you have a full Union jack and you'll win easily :wink:

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:16 pm
by libera36
Yorkie wrote:
libera36 wrote: *I hope this doesn't go against any of the forum rules, I mean no harm by posting this!*
What rule did you think you might be breaking :lol: It's fine don't sweat it :D

I voted but I was disappointed to note that the only Union Jack visable was on the Aus/NZ flag (not sure which but I suspect New Zealand) - next time make sure you have a full Union jack and you'll win easily :wink:
Urmm... I have no idea what rule I might be breaking, but I figured I'd put a little disclaimer there just in case... :mrgreen:

Haha, the Union Jack is actually right out of the picture, in the fourth row back. It is right next to the American flag, which is also right outside of the picture. :lol: Thanks for voting!

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:33 pm
by Murkskis
Good pic Ellen!
I also voted, especially after I saw a very familiar flag in the second row :wink:
Hope you move on to the next round :D

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:20 am
by Lauren
Great pic, Ellen! I voted for you, and it says you're currently in 2nd place. Hope you win! :D

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:42 pm
by libera36
Thanks for the votes guys! To anybody who hasn't voted yet, please, please, please vote! There's less than 2 days left to vote now, and I need to stay in second place until Monday at noon (EST.) Thanks so much everybody! :mrgreen:

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:53 am
by chris17
I voted for you! Good luck! :D

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:43 pm
by libera36
Thanks a bunch, Chris!

Everybody who hasn't yet voted- I really, really, really need your help! The people behind me are gaining rapidly, and I need to stay in second place until noon tomorrow (EST) to move on to the final round, so please, please, PLEASE vote!

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:24 pm
by Yorkie
Congratulations, it looks like you made it to the final.

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:37 pm
by Szepilona
Congratulations! :D

Re: Please vote for my photo!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:15 am
by TullyBascombe
Ah, looks like I was too late.