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Re: 2019 Japan Tour

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:19 pm
by maartendas
At the fan club event, the boys showed great appreciation of all the support they receive. They were also very engaged in a competitive team game and in making their own Christmas decorations.
Due to a traffic jam, the boys arrived quite late but the fans waited patiently. After some Q&A, the activities sparked everyone's energy. The event ended with another group photo - a theme of this tour.

One last stop to go: Osaka.

Re: 2019 Japan Tour

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:29 pm
by maartendas
So, here’s my take on the Japan tour. Be warned, it’s a long read ;)

In short:
1) All the songs with Dominik’s solos were highlights for me
2) The setlist was a great mix of moving songs and upbeat ones (tears and smiles)
3) The lighting deserves special credit
4) Apparently you can’t mouthe the words and expect to go unnoticed :lol:

Here a song-by-song review, taking in all three nights and some anecdotes from the signing line.

Do you hear what I hear?
Oliver Watt-Rodriguez started out this song on his own. In Osaka I asked him what it’s like to start each concert on his own and his reply was that it’s allright. Sometimes there are nerves, but not really. On came different voices. In Tokyo the first night I was really pleased to hear Alex G again, I could hear him really well as I was seated in second row.

This sounded very light to me, bright and open. Seated on the left side in Osaka I had a wonderful stereo effect with parts coming from all sides to my ears. It shone for me that night.

In the bleak midwinter
The song that moved me each night. Dominik’s solo, the solemn melody, the profound lyrics… In Tokyo the second night I was seated perfectly centered for the main solos and so also for Dominik. It was like he was telling me something profound straight from his heart. Just the way he expresses the words when he sings. I told him in Tokyo he sings from the heart and he agreed :) His voice also had a fragility in it which made me think of Earth’s atmosphere. A thin veil, protecting us. Delicate is the right word, I think.

Daniel sang this one with perfect ease and joy each night. Very pleasant. I must mention the lighting for this song which was fantastic. At ‘Voces angelorum’ the second half of the arc of lights came swooping down over the boys and cast them in a warm glow. At the end of the song they swooped back up again. Like a visit of an angel.

Angel Gabriel
Following the song Angel and the lighting for that song, this was a perfect follow-up, a song about the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary, announcing that she would be the mother of Jesus. I was struck in Osaka by the intro: the boys singing Gloria but almost in the dark, with grey lights, mysterious. As if the actual ‘gloria’ has not yet come to Earth. Perfectly fitting the theme of the song. I thought this arrangement to be very dramatic, telling the story of Gabriel and Mary. In Tokyo, I thought Victor had some difficulty with his voice at first, but he recovered very well and this brought a smile to his face. I complimented him on this and he acknowledged it again with a smile.
In Osaka I loved to hear all the layers of the different parts coming together.

From a distance
In Tokyo, this made me sentimental. How time flies… Many songs get new soloists but suddenly I missed Merlin particularly on this one. Not to take anything at all away from Victor, who does a splendid job with his shining voice. But it made me think to appreciate each moment as they go by so quickly...
After the first night, the song was changed with a group singing the solo part. Victor apparently had a cough which would be the reason for this change. Personally I missed the solo part, somehow it works less for me when this part is sung by a group. However, this is usually a song that moves me and I enjoy the simple staging of the boys all facing the audience straight.

In paradisum
One of the definite highlights of each night. Oliver Watt-Rodriguez has such a versatile voice: from piercing high notes to grandiose lower notes. He sings with great musical feeling and when he sang the word ‘Jerusalem’ it was immensely powerful and overwhelming for me. In Osaka the part of ‘quando paupere’ truly moved me and I absolutely loved, loved, loved the harmonising with Dominik, especially the final ‘In paradisum’ they sang together.
The red lighting in this song added to the drama and worked really well.

Stay with me
I felt so proud for Oliver that his song is still on the set list after such a long time! In Osaka I felt his voice is now in full bloom. I was amazed! Even after all these times. It has been a wonderful journey hearing him sing this and in Osaka he absolutely nailed it for me. Special mention should also go to Luca, whose vocalises in Osaka were like a butterfly dancing through my ears :)

I mention soloists a lot but this is not to take away anything from the group. In Tokyo, the first night, I was caught each time by the harmonies and the group effort. In Osaka, seated left again, I made a point to really look at the group on that side and watch them harmonise, provide backing for the soloists and take their part in the whole. It is only through the whole that the sound of Libera comes alive! By watching boys like Koji, Laurence T, Cassius, Freddie and Jack I noticed there were so many backing parts I never noticed before! Much much kudos to all the dedicated boys in the background who get too little attention in the limelight.

Sing lullaby
In Osaka this was the emotional highlight for me. After Dominik’s solo – which ends with that low note on ‘weeping’ – I felt a tear roll down my cheek. (I was lucky to be able to tell him this in person afterwards).
I think this is not an easy solo to master but he sings it like a champion. Overall I was impressed by Dominik’s stage presence, also in the group, often forming a golden duo with Luca on soaring descants.
But yes, Sing lullaby… what can I say? Those words… that solo… shivers.

Poor little Jesus
I loved the dynamics in this one, when they sing ‘Come down all ye holy angels’ and Luca’s bright solo. I also enjoyed how the back row voices added colour.

Ding dong
Eager to hear this one for myself after all the debate. What can I say, it is such great fun! Daniel explained at length in his speech the difficulty of this tongue twister but also the fun and the pride of singing this brand new arrangement in concert for the very first time. It really makes you appreciate their effort when you see them sing all the different parts right in front of you – and see the joy on their faces while they’re singing it. Bravo! My favourite part was Dominik’s Gloria :)
On the first night, something in the audience made Rocco laugh, which added to the cheerful mood of the song :)


Carol of the bells
This started the second half of the concert in grey light, very mysterious, and spooky sounds, like something dark was happening. And then: Hark how the bells… Bright voices coming to light. Joyful Christmas! A really energetic and dynamic song, a great way to start the second half.
On this song Ben and Neo sang the high solo vocalises, only in Osaka Ben was replaced by Oliver WR who did a great job. Ben apparently had a sore throat so let’s hope he has recovered already while I’m writing this :)
At one point on my first night in Tokyo I caught Cassius’ eye while I was mouthing the words, as I tend to do. It turned out during the m&g that some other boys, like Calam and Luke, had also noticed this habit of mine :) I told them that’s so I can help them with the lyrics, should they forget them :) I also tend to move my head to the beat sometimes, especially with the upbeat songs and they had also noticed that :)
Cassius sang the last line and I noticed in Osaka that he prolonged the final sentence: ‘That is their song’. A nice improvement, I thought – it marks the closing of the song in a stronger way than by singing it very short.

Angele Dei
A wonderful addition to the set list. Dominik in front, all boys folding their hands and standing in two arcs (as with several other songs, like Angel). The supporting voices arched around the solo in curving shapes like angels’ wings. The way Dominik sang the high note of ‘Abide’ was like a rocket launch straight to the heavens among the angels. His ‘Amen’ in Osaka was to me especially beautiful – held for a long time, perfectly polished and mild in sound, coloured deep blue with a golden edge. In fact, in Osaka the whole song sounded near to perfection for me.
The lighting for this song was also fantastic, swooping golden beams when they sang ‘Illumina’...

Walking in the air
The first time I heard this live was absolutely magical, transporting me to another place. No other way to describe it. Seated second row on the left, I had a perfect side view of Luca, surrounded by kneeling boys and bathed in deep blue light. His solo was crystal clear and the backing was completely solid. The entire song, a fairytale, became real in imagination and sound. I was moved to tears.

A fiery, energetic song that got me moving in my seat! I am amazed how the boys remember all that Latin! Ben sang the opening solo in Tokyo but was replaced by Tadhg in Osaka. Tadhg’s version was splendid – flowing and glowing is how I would describe it.
Another song where I enjoyed the coming together of all the different parts and the rhythm of it.
Calam caught my eye the second night and I should mention him anyway as his smile is so charming and radiant. I especially love the fact that he often smiles this smile AFTER he sang a line, which I suppose is a sign that he genuinely enjoys what he’s doing.

For the future
A song with many solo parts and unfortunately in Tokyo the ‘different language’ parts were barely audible. In Osaka this was luckily changed (I guess by a technical solution to balance the sound). As for the ‘regular’ soloists, I found Daniel and Oliver really matured in their delivery. (especially Oliver’s last bit on the second night) As for the song as a whole, it sounded very warm to me.

Wexford carol
Speaking of warm: this song was a wonderful evocation of a sunlit morning on a green meadow… Eimear’s flute, the vocalises… the bright, warm lights… I could just bask in this song forever… Superb! In Tokyo, Tadhg’s voice reminded me of a hot drink with a bit of spice, so I thought: chai latte :) I told him so in the signing line, to which Ben (who was seated next to him) replied: I thought more of a flat white :lol: :lol:

Their proud signature song. Tadhg and Neo, as in Arundel, sang the duet and Neo also sang the ‘aeterna’ parts. In Osaka I watched him as he stood at the front of the stage and really sang his heart out – focused, full of force and with a soaring voice. Very impressive! His harmonising with Tadhg was lovely.
In Osaka, Tadhg had had some difficulty with Wexford carol, it seemed, but he picked himself up again splendidly on Libera, which caused a huge beaming smile on his face which stayed there for the rest of the concert :) He should be real proud of himself.

Silent night
Only five boys to sing this one. Luca in the middle (small boy between the big lads :)). Ben then joined him in harmonising so beautifully, Matthias joined and then Daniel and Victor (Tokyo 1) and Dominik (Tokyo 2). (No Silent night in Osaka)
Silent night is my ultimate favourite Christmas song and has so much meaning. A song of fragility, warmth and peace. To hear Libera sing it, in Robert’s arrangement, on the anniversary of my mother’s passing was a unique experience.

In dulci jubilo
The concert ended with great joy. Eimear and Jon, the percussionist, joined the boys at the front of the stage on either end. A colourful, joyful performance, again with all the different parts mixing together so beautifully.

Encore: I saw three ships
When this started as encore in Tokyo I was so happily surprised! Double joy :) It also showed on the boys’ faces. I happened to catch Cassius’ eye again as he sang the part about Bethlehem and I was mouthing along, as I tend to do. It was great fun to ‘sing together’ like that and he smiled with his eyes :)
A great encore, I think, to send the audience home, happy and perhaps slightly dancing :) (I know I almost was :))

After this, the queue would form for the m&g, which went smoothly, I think. In Tokyo it felt more relaxed than in Osaka, though.
The boys were divided in two groups and a ticket for the signing line (obtained by spending at least 3000 yen on merchandise) gave access to one group. If you had bought two tickets, you could go twice and get all the boys’ signatures on one night – and ofcourse say hi and chat to all of them. It was sometimes challenging to find out who was in which group and to decide which group to join. This is a bit stressful, I think, but it worked out well for me in the end. I am grateful for these small moments of fun interaction.

I am also grateful for the time spent with other international fans, Japanese and otherwise. Music can do so much to move us and create many precious memories. I am sure that the boys, like me, will take many of such memories home with them.

Re: 2019 Japan Tour

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:07 pm
by Surpinto
Great review, Maarten! :D

What amazing concerts and I only wish that I could have been there with you. Your emotional descriptions never fail to leave me smiling!

Re: 2019 Japan Tour

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:57 pm
by Surpinto
New blog and gallery for this tour are now up.

I think the witty author of the blog is fairly obvious now given his admission that a hairbrush is useless to him :lol: and the repeated jokes about brushing teeth :lol:


Re: 2019 Japan Tour

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:23 pm
by filiarheni
Surpinto wrote: <span title="Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:57 pm">4 years ago</span>I think the witty author of the blog is fairly obvious now given his admission that a hairbrush is useless to him :lol: and the repeated jokes about brushing teeth :lol:
Those teeth brush jokes have become a running gag for a while now, and now it's extended (or should I say upgraded?) to hairbrushes. Let's see what the future will bring. :P